Welcome to telliott.net, my name is Tom.
I'm a twenty thirty fourty-somthing software developer living in London, UK.
This is my website. I've not udpated it in nearly 20 years. I should probably get around to that at some point.
Please select a filetype to download:
I've removed my internships and Year In Industry placement from my CV. Details can now be found here.
The Automation Partnership (TAP) are industry leaders in the design, development, and implementation of advanced automation for the life science industry. At TAP, I designed and ran a series of tests investigating problems associated with ultra-low temperature robotics.. Results were included in a feasibility study for mass biological sample storage for use in a major UK research initiative spanning decades and were later used to form the basis for the final design.
Paribus were a three-man company offering bespoke knowledge management tools built using Java technologies and deployed over the internet. I analysed customer requirements, mocked up user interfaces and worked as part of the dev team bulding a Java web application for use by a consortia of government departments.
I worked in the Remote Operations Branch of BNFL Magnox Generation, constructing 3-D kinematic models of telerobotic devices and their working environments. This included reviewing original engineering blueprints of nuclear reactors from the 60's as getting up close and personal with the inside of a nuclear reactor was not an option! This work was used in construction and decommissioning projects, facilitating a clear look into both extremes of the nuclear energy lifecycle.